CIOFEST 2025 - From Order Taker to Proactive Disruptor
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Poland 26-3-25 Organising TRIBE Virtual Polish
Podczas sesji poświęconej monitorowaniu baz danych omówimy kluczowe zagadnienia związane z wydajnością, pojemnością oraz prawidłowością wykonywania procesów. Zajmiemy się analizą dostępnych narzędzi i metod, które pozwalają skutecznie zarządzać bazami danych, jednocześnie balansując między zaawansowaną funkcjonalnością a prostotą obsługi.
Read MoreBelgium 27-3-25 Squad Only Virtual english
The journey of a developer today is not just about writing code; it's about adapting to an ever-evolving technology landscape, where artificial intelligence is reshaping the very fabric of software development. From leveraging AI for automation and predictive analytics to harnessing machine learning models for innovative solutions, developers are now tasked with integrating these advanced tools into their workflows. The rise of Agile practices, DevOps, and cloud-native development further complicates the path forward. What skills are essential for developers to remain competitive in this new era? How can they effectively transition from coding to architecting AI-driven solutions?
Read MoreBelgium 1-4-25 Country Members Physical french
Le rôle du CIO ne se limite plus à l'infrastructure et aux systèmes informatiques. Il s'agit de stimuler l'innovation, de favoriser la réussite interdépartementale et d'aligner les stratégies technologiques sur les objectifs de l'entreprise. Mais qu'attendent vraiment le CEO, les RH, le marketing, la finance et les autres cadres de niveau C du CIO ? Ces questions seront au cœur d'un débat dynamique, opposant les attentes – qu'elles soient formelles ou implicites – des CIOs et des autres leaders du C-Suite, tels que les DRH, CMOs, CCOs et CFOs. Cette confrontation directe, enrichie par les interactions avec l'audience, permettra de mieux cerner comment les visions des uns et des autres peuvent s'aligner pour relever les défis stratégiques de l'entreprise. Cet événement se déroulera entièrement en français.
Read MoreBelgium 1-4-25 Squad Only Virtual english
In a landscape where cyber threats are increasing and disruptions are constant, resilience becomes essential. Securing core assets, including data and systems, while ensuring uninterrupted operations raises the question: How can companies fortify their defenses and maintain business continuity without overspending?
Read MoreGermany Mar 25, 2025 Country Members Physical german
Bei diesem Event erwarten Sie Einblicke in KI, hybride Arbeitsmodelle, effiziente Workflows und Strategien für bereichsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit sowie innovative Ansätze für erfolgreiche Projekte. Diskutiert werden praxisorientierte Lösungen für die Herausforderungen moderner Zusammenarbeit.
Read MoreGermany Mar 25, 2025 Country Members Physical english
Gain insights into key strategies for achieving IT resilience and network with peers in the intimate setting of the Garden Salon.
Read MorePoland Mar 26, 2025 Invitation Only Physical Polish
Zapraszamy do wspólnej rozmowy o strategiach integracyjnych i metodach zapewniających efektywne łączenie systemów oraz szybkie reagowanie na zmiany biznesowe. Dyskusja skupi się na realnych wyzwaniach i najlepszych praktykach integracyjnych, które wspierają innowacje i podnoszą efektywność operacyjną. Naszym partnerem w przygotowaniu spotkania jest IBM.
Read MoreGermany Mar 26, 2025 Country Members Physical english
As AI continues to transform industries, quantum computing is emerging as the next frontier for CIDOs looking to drive innovation and secure a competitive edge. Quantum computing, as AI, is no longer just a theoretical concept—it’s becoming a tangible tool. How can we navigate the next wave of technological innovation?
Read MoreGermany Mar 31, 2025 Country Members Virtual english
Organizations - now more than ever - have to move from siloed Systems to Intelligent Ecosystems! But how? Here is where the right tools and strategies come into place.
Read MoreGermany Apr 1, 2025 Country Members Physical german
Dieses CIONET Community Event am 1. April 2025 ab 18:00 Uhr in Frankfurt bietet eine Plattform für eine kritische Reflexion über die Cloud-Technologie. ngesichts wachsender Cyberbedrohungen und der zunehmenden Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen blicken CIOs auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2024 zurück. Umso spannender ist die Frage, welche neuen Herausforderungen und Chancen die IT-Welt im Jahr 2025 erwarten.AA
Read MoreGermany Mar 25, 2025 Country Members Physical german
Bei diesem Event erwarten Sie Einblicke in KI, hybride Arbeitsmodelle, effiziente Workflows und Strategien für bereichsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit sowie innovative Ansätze für erfolgreiche Projekte. Diskutiert werden praxisorientierte Lösungen für die Herausforderungen moderner Zusammenarbeit.
Read MoreGermany Mar 25, 2025 Country Members Physical english
Gain insights into key strategies for achieving IT resilience and network with peers in the intimate setting of the Garden Salon.
Read MorePoland Mar 26, 2025 Invitation Only Physical Polish
Zapraszamy do wspólnej rozmowy o strategiach integracyjnych i metodach zapewniających efektywne łączenie systemów oraz szybkie reagowanie na zmiany biznesowe. Dyskusja skupi się na realnych wyzwaniach i najlepszych praktykach integracyjnych, które wspierają innowacje i podnoszą efektywność operacyjną. Naszym partnerem w przygotowaniu spotkania jest IBM.
Read MoreGermany Mar 26, 2025 Country Members Physical english
As AI continues to transform industries, quantum computing is emerging as the next frontier for CIDOs looking to drive innovation and secure a competitive edge. Quantum computing, as AI, is no longer just a theoretical concept—it’s becoming a tangible tool. How can we navigate the next wave of technological innovation?
Read MoreGermany Mar 31, 2025 Country Members Virtual english
Organizations - now more than ever - have to move from siloed Systems to Intelligent Ecosystems! But how? Here is where the right tools and strategies come into place.
Read MoreGermany Apr 1, 2025 Country Members Physical german
Dieses CIONET Community Event am 1. April 2025 ab 18:00 Uhr in Frankfurt bietet eine Plattform für eine kritische Reflexion über die Cloud-Technologie. ngesichts wachsender Cyberbedrohungen und der zunehmenden Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen blicken CIOs auf ein ereignisreiches Jahr 2024 zurück. Umso spannender ist die Frage, welche neuen Herausforderungen und Chancen die IT-Welt im Jahr 2025 erwarten.AA
Read MoreRecognizing the need for a fresh approach to fuel innovation and efficiency, Nordzucker partnered with Stefanini to reimagine their IT landscape. After nearly two decades of working within the ITIL framework without achieving desired performance metrics, the company embraced a bold "greenfield" strategy.
ServiceNow IT Service Management
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ING Direct aims to enhance customer experience by providing swift and accurate online support. To achieve this, they seek a solution that can comprehend written customer inquiries and deliver appropriate responses, reducing the need for call center interactions.
Technologies Smart Search
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Inserm relies on external experts to assess job candidates' expertise. This manual process is time-consuming and lacks transparency. To streamline recruitment and enhance efficiency, Inserm seeks an automated solution to verify candidate expertise.
Technologies Insight Engine Platform
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Embark on a culinary journey through the ever-evolving world of digital leadership with our third edition of the CIONET Cookbook: Recipes for Digital Success. Unveiling the intricate trilemma faced by today’s Master Chefs, our trailblazing European CIOs address a challenge at the nexus of customer interests, digital transformation strategies, and IT modernisation. Their secret? Synchronising the gearing between customer, business, and technology to create a frictionless movement through the digital landscape.
The CIONET Cookbook uses the analogy of a five-star restaurant to explain the importance of optimally integrated technology, with the CIO as Master Chef. In order to provide the best service to its customers, a top restaurant must have the right atmosphere, an inviting menu, a well-equipped kitchen, talented and committed front-of-house and kitchen staff and smooth-running processes that ensure an enjoyable experience for diners.
In this report, Roger Camrass reviews the financial events of 2024 and presents his opinion on investment prospects for 2025 Roger has followed global finance markets closely for over 40 years and summarises trends in investment reports annually1 As former Research Director at CIONET, Europe’s largest community of digital leaders2, Roger has first-hand knowledge of digital trends
CIONET, in partnership with Cognizant and Google Cloud, has conducted an interview-based survey of CIOs, CTOs, or equivalents from leading retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) organisations . The results show multiple factors disrupting peak trading patterns, including the transition to online retailing and the impacts of climate change, global conflicts, and macroeconomic pressures .
Our first Business Community Event of 2025 explored the challenges B2B startups face in scaling through enterprise contracts, particularly with FTSE 100 companies. Moderated by Craig Walker, CIONET UK, the panel discussed key strategies for success. Insights included the need for business leaders to prioritize partnerships with innovative startups, and for startups to align their value propositions with enterprise needs. Participants also explored how frameworks like design thinking can define objectives, and how governance hurdles can be streamlined. Other topics included the importance of clear timelines for proof-of-concept studies, simplified integration via APIs, and the role of stakeholder commitment in driving innovation. The event highlighted the value of ecosystem partnerships with incubators and universities in supporting startup growth.
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Head of IT Germany and Regional Office Lead Munich, Microsoft
IT Director, IT Thinker
Vice president IT & Compliance, VisionaryRCM (A Carlyle Grp Company)
CIONET’s mission is to help IT executives become more at ease and above all more successful in their jobs. So they can do more than just keep up with change but ultimately define it. CIONET opens up a whole new universe of opportunities in IT management.
With the largest membership of corporate digital leaders across Europe, Latin America, US and Australia, CIONET has the expertise and pioneering vision to solve or address any IT management challenge.
From our local and global events, from our publications and research to our executive education programmes, everything we do is aimed at making sure digital leaders maximise their potential.
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